Friday, December 6, 2013

Well, Hello There

It's been a while. A long while. Since I last posted I got a new job! That, combined with a new exercise program I'm obsessed with, has unfortunately left this blog at the bottom of my priority list. However, break is coming up (I'm a teacher) so I have a little more time, especially since I'm now in the swing of things, as my mom would say.

I did, however, do some more drawings.

Lady Marian from Robin Hood (2010)

Bill and Ted from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (a personal favorite)

Michael and David from The Lost Boys

David detail

Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly and Serenity

Zoe Washburne, also from Firefly and Serenity

Zoe detail
I hope to have a few things done soon, so as far as another post before the end of 2013 goes... ::fingers crossed::

Music to Draw to: The Puppini Sisters — Christmas With The Puppini Sisters