Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My sincerest...

Apology. I'm sorry for the lack of anything here. My laptop has decided it doesn't need to utilize its screen to function, which has left me in an unappreciative and laptop-less position. I'm currently using the work computer, which means I don't have the files I need (currently on my personal computer). So, please accept this instragram-ed picture of the jack-o-lantern I carved this past Saturday.

No Spotify playlist this week... but how about the Sleepy Hallow Soundtrack for "Music to Craft to"?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thrifty Halloween: Black and Orange Wreath

With the majority of my Autumn and Halloween decorations in storage at my parents' house right now, I decided I needed a way to start decorating- on the cheap. I found a plastic black and orange striped table cloth at Target for $3 (and ultimately used one and 1/5ish) and an old wire hanger in the deepest depths of my closet. After a few hours of tying strips to the now circular hanger, I had the wreath. Then, after a few days of looking at the plain wreath, I decided to add a jack-o-lantern, which I made with a scrap of orange craft foam and Martha Stewart glitter in the color "Fire Opal".

Happy Hallowen!

Music to craft to- Spooky